10 Questions with Alex Filip (Rally Driver)

How did it all start for you?

Ohooo, a long time ago. Madalin Arhire was my high school colleague and he invited me to see a Hill Climbing race at Rasnov. As soon as I saw a racing car for the first time I knew that it will scratch my future.

What is the most difficult thing about being a rally driver?

There are many things that can stop you as a rally driver, but when the passion is high, it’s quite impossible to be defeated.

If you weren’t a rally driver, what would you be doing?

I don’t know, but for sure I would do something that has speed as a rule. 🙂

What is the best/worst road car you have ever driven?

The best car, for me, is the one that I can buy. Many cars are beautiful or powerful, but remain like that as they are too expensive for me. That’s why my favorite ‘speed’ car is the new Renault Megane RS and as a family car the most interesting is the new Renault Megane GT Estate with 4Control system. The worst car has to be the old truck that I had to drive in order to get my CE license.

What would your ideal sandwich have on it?

A lot of cheese and many vegetables.

What car(s) do you own now and what’s your daily driver?

I used to drive many cars, now I’m using the new Renault Koleos.

Favorite car of all time?

Renault Alpine and I would be happy to have an old Renault 4 as a weekend car.

Do you have any points on your driver’s license?

No, not at all. You can’t have points if you respect the rules.

RWD, AWD or FWD and why?

2WD for racing, AWD for winter and RWD for fun.

If you could be someone else for a day (dead or alive) who would you be?

Felix Baumgartner!

Thank you Alex for agreeing to take part in out 10 Questions Series, we really appreciate it! If you want to follow Alex's racing career, you can do so on his Facebook page.

Photo Credits: RallyZoom.ro & RallyPhoto.ro