10 Questions with Vali Porcisteanu (Rally Driver)

How did it all start for you?

I always loved cars and enjoyed watching rallies a lot. I think it’s one of the few sports where you can start off as a spectator and become competitive. I started racing with my co-driver Dan Dobre in a Dacia and it all kicked off from there.

What is the most difficult thing about being a rally driver?

If you mean the sport itself, it’s always a fight with yourself so I guess that’s most difficult part: being able to always improve yourself. Lucky for me I have a strong team and good people around me who help me focus on the racing.

If you weren’t a rally driver, what would you be doing?

This is a tough one, as I don’t ever want to do anything else. I am very involved in promoting road safety and defensive driving, which in Romania is a very big issue. I would continue doing that as much as I can, especially since I still work with the TV and the media.

What is the best/worst road car you have ever driven?

I drove many cars, especially because I also work with the Digi24 network, hosting the La Volan TV show. I can’t really put my finger on “the best” car, because it’s all relative to your expectations.

What would your ideal sandwich have on it?

Lebanese food. Does that even work on a sandwich? :)

What car(s) do you own now and what’s your daily driver?

I own and drive a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9.

Favorite car of all time?

Must be the Ford Focus WRC

Do you have any points on your driver’s license?


RWD, AWD or FWD and why?

AWD. Because it can be very fun if you know what you’re doing, but also very safe in mixed conditions such as ours.

If you could be someone else for a day (dead or alive) who would you be?

I would be myself again but do some things slightly different. Not many though :)

Special thanks to Vali Porcisteanu for agreeing to take part in our 10 Questions Series. If you want to follow his career, you can do it on his Facebook page: Vali Porcisteanu

Photo credits: RallyZoom.ro